

    Corrosion Behavior of 20 Steel in Multi-Factor Corrosion Environment of Water Gathering and Transportation

    • 摘要: 采用响应曲面法(RSM)研究了掺水集输多因素腐蚀环境中20钢的腐蚀行为。通过设计试验,构建了温度、溶氧含量、硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)含量、H2S含量等因素及其耦合与腐蚀电流密度(Jcorr)之间的定量关系,通过方差分析确定了模型和各因素的显著性。结果表明:温度、溶氧含量、SRB含量、温度与溶氧含量耦合、温度与SRB含量耦合、SRB含量和溶氧含量耦合对腐蚀电流密度影响显著,但是当H2S质量分数在0~529 mg/kg范围内时H2S含量以及其与其他因素的耦合影响不显著;Pareto权重分析显示各单一因素及耦合因素对腐蚀电流密度影响从大到小排列依次为:温度(64.90%)、溶氧含量(15.27%)、温度和溶氧含量耦合(9.39%)、温度和SRB含量耦合(5.29%)、SRB含量(2.67%)、SRB含量和溶氧含量耦合(2.30%)。


      Abstract: The corrosion behavior of 20 steel in multi-factor corrosion environment of water gathering and transportation was studied by means of response surface method (RSM). The quantitative relationship of corrosion current density (Jcorr) with temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, SRB concentration, H2S concentration and their coupling effects was established through designed experiments. Meanwhile, the significance of the model and each factor was analyzed by means of analysis of variance. The results show that the temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, SRB concentration, coupling of temperature and SRB concentration, coupling of SRB concentration and dissolved oxygen concentration had significant effects on the corrosion current density. However, the H2S concentration and its coupling with other factors had no significant effects when the mass fraction of H2S was in the range of 0-529 mg/kg. Pareto weight analysis displayed that the effects of single factors and coupling factors on the corrosion current density from large to small were: temperature (64.90%), dissolved oxygen concentration (15.27%), coupling of temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration (9.39%), coupling of temperature and SRB concentration (5.29%), SRB concentration (2.67%), coupling of SRB concentration and dissolved oxygen concentration (2.3%).


