

    Erosion Resistance of Masonry under Dry-Wet Cycling Environment in Solution of Organic Acid and Sulfate

    • 摘要: 在有机酸-硫酸盐溶液和清水中对砖、砂浆、砌块三种试件分别进行了干湿循环加速腐蚀试验,通过质量、抗压强度、相对动弹性模量以及砂浆抗折强度评价了试件的抗侵蚀性能,分析了砌体结构在复合作用下的劣化机理。结果表明:在有机酸-硫酸盐溶液中,随着干湿循环次数增加,试件的质量、抗压强度和相对动弹性模量以及砂浆抗折强度均表现出先增大后减小的变化趋势,在清水中则表现出缓慢减小的趋势;与清水干湿循环腐蚀相比,有机酸-硫酸盐干湿循环腐蚀对砖、砂浆和砌块的损伤更为明显。


      Abstract: Dry-wet cycling accelerated corrosion tests were carried out to three types of specimens (brick, mortar, block) in solution of organic acid and sulfate, and pure water respectively. The erosion resistance of specimens was evaluated through mass, compressive strength, relative dynamic elastic modulus and mortar flexural strength, and then the deterioration mechanism of the masonry structure under composite action was analyzed. The results show that with the increase of dry-wet cycles, the mass, compressive strength, relative dynamic elastic modulus and mortar flexural strength of the specimens displayed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing in the solution of organic acid and sulfate, while they displayed a slow decreasing trendy in pure water. The damage of dry-wet cycling to the brick, mortar and block in the solution of organic acid and sulfate was more obvious than that in pure water.


