

    Research Progress of Carbon Dioxide Transport Characteristics and Corrosion Behavior of Transport Pipes

    • 摘要: 碳捕集、封存和利用(CCUS)技术是实现我国双碳目标,减缓全球气候变暖最有效、最经济的方法。CO2管道运输作为陆地CCUS项目中捕集、封存、利用的中间环节,其重要性不言而喻。主要介绍了我国目前CO2管道建设项目、纯CO2的相态、CO2腐蚀机理、超临界CO2输送管材及其腐蚀现状;整理了杂质对CO2相态、性质及腐蚀机理的影响。最后,从CO2输送特性及其输送管道腐蚀行为方面,提出了我国急需解决的问题及研究前景。


      Abstract: Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology is the most effective and economical method to achieve China's dual carbon goals and mitigate global warming. The importance of CO2 pipeline transportation as an intermediate link between capture, storage, and utilization in terrestrial CCUS projects is self-evident. The current CO2 pipeline construction projects in China, the phase state of pure CO2, CO2 corrosion mechanism, supercritical CO2 transport pipes and their corrosion status are reviewed. The effects of impurities on the phase state, properties and corrosion mechanism of CO2 are collated. Finally, the urgent problems and research prospects in China in terms of CO2 transport characteristics and corrosion behavior of its transport pipes are presented.


