

    Effects of Magnetic Field and Hydrogen on Anodic Reactions and Pitting of Pipeline Steel in Weakly Caustic Solution

    • 摘要: 通过电化学测试及表面形貌观察,研究了磁场对有、无预充氢的X70管线钢在0.03 mol/L NaHCO3+0.000 1 mol/L NaCl溶液中阳极溶解速率及点蚀的影响。结果表明:未充氢试样在试验溶液中的开路电位处于电位-pH图中的活性溶解区,充氢试样的自腐蚀电位比未充氢试样负移约20 mV;施加0.4 T磁场后电流密度峰值显著升高,电流密度峰值之后出现骤降的转折电位显著正移,延缓进入稳定钝态;在活性溶解区恒电位极化时,0.4 T磁场使得充氢电极与未充氢电极的电流密度均增大,导致极化后充氢电极表面出现明显的点蚀连片及水平方向两侧局部加速溶解现象;在过钝化区恒电位极化时施加磁场使充氢电极电流密度总体趋向增大。


      Abstract: The effects of magnetic field on the anodic dissolution rate and pitting corrosion of X70 pipeline steel with and without pre-charged hydrogen in 0.03 mol/L NaHCO3+0.000 1 mol/L NaCl solution were studied by electrochemical test and surface morphology observation. The results show that in test solution, the open circuit potential of the non-hydrogen charged X70 (non-H) sample was in the active dissolution zone of the potential-pH diagram. The open circuit potential of the hydrogen charged X70 (H-X70) sample was about 20 mV more negative than that of non-H sample. After imposing a 0.4 T magnetic field, the peak current density significantly increased, and there was a significant positive shift in the transition potential of the sudden drop after the peak current density, delaying the transition to the stable passive state. When potentiostatically polarized in the active dissolution zone, a 0.4 T magnetic field increased the current density of both the H-X70 electrode and non-H electrode, resulting in obvious pitting corrosion on the surface and local accelerated dissolution on both sides in the horizontal direction of the polarized H-X70 electrode. Applying a magnetic field during potentiostatic polarization in the passivation zone generally increased the current density of H-X70 electrode.


