Fretting Corrosion and Wear Interactions of Inconel690 Alloy in Ethanolamine Solution
Graphical Abstract
Fretting corrosion test of Inconel690 in ethanolamine (ETA) solution was carried out by PLINT fretting corrosion rig under the conditions of displace amplitudes 100-200 μm, normal loads from 20 N to 80 N, frequency 2 Hz and number of fretting cycles 10 000. The results showed that the reason of the negative interaction between fretting corrosion and wear was that the surface film and corrosive products of the third layer took part in the process of fretting wear. The frictional contact interface states were changed. The self corrosion potential showed a more obvious negative shift during the fretting, and corrosion rate increased with increasing displacement. Abrasive wear and delamination were main fretting wear mechanisms of Inconel690 alloy in ETA solution.