Stress Corrosion Cracking Risk Status of Long-Distance Buried Pipelines in China
Graphical Abstract
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is one of the most important reasons for pipeline failures in recent decades, and it severely threatened the safety of long-distance buried pipelines. By summarizing and analyzing the SCC historical investigation results and failure cases, combined with the SCC status investigation results of buried pipelines (excavation dection of field joint coating, external corrosion investigation and girth weld excavation detection), the characteristics and risks of SCC buried pipelines in China are analyzed. Based on the comparative analysis of the service status of buried pipelines in China and the characteristics of SCC pipelines in foreign countries, the risk degree and causes of SCC in buried pipelines in China are discussed, and the prevention suggestions of SCC in buried pipelines in China at present stage are put forward, providing reference for the prevention and management of SCC in buried pipelines in China at present stage.