Optimization of Open Cathodic Protection Mode and Ground Bed Form of Low-Voltage Gas Pipeline Network in Urban Communities
Graphical Abstract
There are frequent leakage accidents caused by corrosion on the low-voltage gas pipeline network in urban communities, supplementary catodic protection is an important mesure to slow down corrosion. But there are many types of underground metal structures in the communities. Low-voltage gas pipelines cannot be effectively insulated from building grounding, building steel bars, etc. The characteristic of open current distribution becomes a difficult problem for effective implementation of cathodic protection technology. Through the field feeding test, the current distribution law and protection effect in three ground bed forms, including deep well anode ground bed, far anode ground bed and near anode ground bed, were analyzed. The results show that the near anode ground bed could effectively reduce grounding interference, it is a anode ground bed form suitable for low-voltage gas pipeline network. At the same time, using numerical simulation calculation, the distribution scheme shallow buried distributed auxiliary anode ground bed was obtained.